BioArchitecture Environment and Landscape

Designing space conscious and sustainable able to meet the needs of design quality, executive, organizational, social and environmental. The identification of ways to implement sustainability perspective the optimization of local resources, is the basis of our work. A careful analysis of local environmental factors reference, leads to the selection of the most appropriate bioclimatic strategies to be taken, which will then exert in the configuration of the rooms, in the choice of material and the use of alternative energy.

Services offered

Energy Saving
  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPA) conforming DL 145/2013
  • Energy Saving Report ex L. 10/91
  • Project in compliance with del. 48/2006 alternative energy sources
  • Design criteria of green building
  • Designing Photovoltaic Systems
  • Designing Solar Panels
  • Energy Saving Project
Environment and Landscape
  • Certificate of Environmental Sustainability (ARPA)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Landscape Report